Nov 20, 2003

power lunch

lunch today: honey roasted peanuts, nacho cheesier doritos and famous amos chocolate chip cookies

Nov 16, 2003

like i said ... there is nothing else interesting. really!

- kissing the lipless
- the postal service
- scarves
- knee jerk irony/post irony
- hands ... no hands

- "un"ironic trucker hats
- blowing sunshine up your own ass
- the odeon
- knee jerk irony
- blogging

Oct 29, 2003

until next week

it's official - there is nothing interesting on the internet anymore. the world wide web is dead dead dead.

Oct 17, 2003

the curse lives on

i don't live in chicago. i don't live in boston. i occasionally follow baseball, but i'm only a casual fan really. and yet, i find myself inexplicably heartbroken after both the cubbies and the bo-sox lost in such dramatic fashion. i can only imagine the sense of despondence and collective depression that people in chi/bean- town must feel right now. and yet, as i watched both teams fall prey to their respective curses, i felt a part of that helplessness. i understood what true frustration felt like. arrrrrgggggh!

Oct 13, 2003


i've started reading again which means i'm performing my usual juggling act; vaccilating from one book to another to another. so, in keeping with the fine traditions of blogging, i will now put out my current booklist.

. cryptonomicon - neal stephenson
. the life of pi - yann martel
. generation x - douglas coupland
. believer magazine - various

at first glance, this might appear to be a trying-too-hard attempt to acquire sort of geek chic cred. but i'm genuinely enjoying my reading, so ... umm ... yeah. [unable to come up with witty conclusion, that serves to both underscore my point, and simultaneously act as a clever insight into modern life]

Oct 12, 2003

stop making sense

and you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack / and you may find yourself in another part of the world / and you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile / and you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife / and you may ask yourself - well ... how did I get here?

Sep 9, 2003

burnin' down the house

we're having a housewarming party and as a faithful blog reader, you've earned yourself an invite. read the evite or email me for details.

Sep 4, 2003

gurgle and coo

"where da shrey doggie been?", you may ask ...

i've been busy falling in love. i'm never sure of the right time to bust out the l-word, but it feels like something that will eventually lead to it's usage. so here's to pre-love. e ... i think i pre-love you.

Aug 11, 2003

the new florida

i'd be remiss in my civic duties if i didn't pass this brilliant little cartoon along. it's funny cos' it's true.

Aug 8, 2003

celebrity deathmatch

homer simpson vs. peter griffin.

the family guy is easily the best show on network television today. all the things you can't do on the simpsons - they're on the family guy. psychopathic megalomaniacal babies. alcoholic dogs. gratuitous pop culture references. abundant swear words. feminism disguied as misogyny. blasphemy. cartoon sex.

peter griffin wins by a belch.

Aug 7, 2003

take two

i just added titles. this is exciting. i'm a titular kinda guy.

version three point oh

well ... i'm giving in. i'm going from the old school diy-handcode your own html-host on your own server type journal to this mass produced blogging factory. maybe I'm becoming soft in my age (a wizened 26) or maybe I'm just plain lazy. but it is a conscious choice nonetheless, and i am a firm believer that it is more important to choose consciously, if perhaps imperfectly, than to blindly have your choices made for you. so here's to choice (imperfect yet conscious), waxing pseudo-intellectual (because what else is there really?), independent music (esoteric yet proletarian), eating tofu for the sake of tofu (fake meat is for poseurs) and california lovin' (will somebody please stop the recall madness?). oh ... and parentheses (including, but not limited to parenthetical statements such as these). i really like parentheses. ok - it's time to go live - 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...