One of the perks of early babyhood (the catch-all term for the baby experience from the perspective of all concerned parties) is the amount of unstructured free time you must spend at home. Don't get me wrong - there is a lot of work involved (diaper changes, feedings, keeping everything else in the household at least minimally functional), but there is also a lot of down time, given that babies tend to sleep for around 16 hours a day. This is the perfect excuse to catch up on all the useless pop culture that you've missed out on in the past several years since you've sworn off television. And Netflix makes this available to you in convenient, easy-to-digest chunks. In glorious Technicolor
*. Commercial free. Without the annoying inter-episode cliffhangers that leave you irritated and unsatisfied for weeks, possibly months. TV on DVD, here I come! Now watching:
- Lost - Season 1
- Dr. Who (The new BBC series) - Season 1
- The L-Word - Season 3
- City of Men
- The Office - Season 2
- The Office (BBC) - Series 2
*Why do people still use the term "Technicolor"? What does it even mean?
**Yes - I could look it up in Wikipedia, but that's not the point, is it?