When I retire I want to spend my time curating a tiny but useful open source tool. I mean, I could theoretically do this right now, but I do plenty of ((mostly) satisfying) software work in my day job and I'd rather spend my free time doing other life things. Eric Raymond's excellent The Cathedral and the Bazaar and this great interview with the creator of curl* got me thinking about this, but really, I've kinda had this as my retirement plan pretty much since I graduated from college.
Other things I want to do when I retire:
Other things I want to do when I retire:
- Do a longish bike ride.
- Actually finish a Coursera course.
- Play one-on-one basketball with my daughter (this is more of a waiting until she gets big enough/skilled enough for this to be a contest thing).
- Move to a fancy loft space.
- Spend several months in a totally new country.
- Join a beer brewing co-op**.
Maybe what I'm after isn't retirement so much as Keynes' fabled 15 hour work-week.
*What is the correct form of capitalization for UNIX utilities like "ls" or "curl"? The English language doesn't seem well equipped to handle computer commands.
**I don't have the patience/dedication/knowledge to be a solo homebrewer, but it seems like a fun group activity.
*What is the correct form of capitalization for UNIX utilities like "ls" or "curl"? The English language doesn't seem well equipped to handle computer commands.
**I don't have the patience/dedication/knowledge to be a solo homebrewer, but it seems like a fun group activity.