Sep 12, 2021

vote no

at some point politics went from being public to personal for me. a private thing that matters to me but not something I feel comfortable talking about in any kind of public forum, because it feels so damn stressful. I mean I still believe more or less the same things I've believed for a long time. and no - age has not made me "more conservative" or whatever (I really don't understand this one). I just decided to stop making it a public thing since I have no capacity left in me to have a discourse around any of this stuff. that said, you should still vote no on (or before) tuesday. okthxbye.

Jul 21, 2021

In Praise of Giannis

I am genuinely happy for Giannis. He seems like a fundamentally good dude, and a normal human being (apart from being 7 feet tall and insanely athletic). He is funny and real and has a such an inspiring backstory. He seems to be the opposite of the LeBron industrial complex that has controlled the basketball narrative over the past decade. Bonus points for beating Chris Paul - the most annoying dude of his generation (Point God? More like Point Godawful amirite?). 

On a more sombre note, I am truly terrified of how these finals are going to end up being a series of superspreader events with no discernable masking or distancing, and the Delta Variant gaining steam. Adam Silver - I'm really disappointed in how you've dealt with this after being so serious about the bubble last year. I'm really, really hoping that this will spur people into taking vaccination more seriously. We shall see. 



Apr 20, 2021

Not A Total Cachu Hwch

The last couple of days have been not terrible. It is saying something about the collective trauma of the last four years that "not terrible" is all I'll allow myself right now, but small steps right?

So in no particular order, stuff that happened:

  • George Floyd verdict
  • I'm fully vaccinated
  • Steph going supernova
  • The European Super League nonsense sputtering and crashing
OK - so the truth is when people claim to post lists in no particular order, they are probably not being completely honest. Our brains aren't wired that way. There is always an implicit order encoded in there, certainly at the beginning of the list. Just sayin'.

A bit of a footnote - Cachu Hwch is apparently Welsh for "Total Fucking Disaster" (literally "Pig's Poo"). See also the David Tennant / Michael Sheen episode of Staged