Dec 20, 2006


the widget is upside down. i mean it is right side up. which is really upside down. for a fetus.

so it looks kinda like this:

/ O \
|-| |
| / |

as opposed to:

/ \ \
|-| |
| O |


me too!

all i know is that it complicates a few things. poor eliz. we're in the last few weeks though.

soon, my dear. soon.


a said...

a few more months:) how are you? i'm missing you. haven't spoken with you properly since you left really...

robin said...

i seem to recall that a friend of mine rectified the breech problem by lying with her hips on pillows and playing music (maybe her ipod headphones?) between her legs.

as i write it, i think i should be kidding, but i'm not.

shreddd said...


Thanks for the tip robin - oddly enough, that is pretty much exactly what we did!!