Jun 15, 2007


Well - after years of agonizing, I finally rode my bike to work.

While I'm super excited about the personal and environmental benefits of this choice, it brought to light some interesting societal divisions among bicyclists. On the one hand you have your gear heads (we'll just call them hedz, shamelessly borrowing from RPM culture). The hedz are your hardcore bike nuts - they will often own several bikes (where several can span double digits), will pretty much *only* ride in spandex, and have several miscellaneous bike parts just floating around their garage to fuel what is now an obsession that easily costs them a few thousand dollars a year. Oh - and they're predominantly male. To these people I say, more power to you. Why, some of my best friends are ... ok - forget it. I will almost certainly never be one of them. There are things I get obsessive about - bike gear is just not one of them.

Which places me in the other camp. Utilitarian commuters that understand the ecological and economic benefits of riding, along with the loads of sexy indie cred it carries. Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I've always found hipsters on bicycles terribly attractive. So yes - I'm riding to boost my cred. This is actually not dissimilar to vegetarianism - it just felt like a good idea on a number of different levels, even if there was a girl involved in the initiation.


Unknown said...

you've ridden your bike once, and now you get to be in some "hipster" camp of bicycle commuting?!

shreddd said...

have you seen the pants i'm wearing? these pants put me in the hipster camp before i ever set foot on a pedal.

Call me Sparky said...

Oh, Shrey. I've got to clear up some misconceptions you've developed after one day in the saddle. First of all, "hedz" are not people who wear only spandex, and most distastfully, those neon green cycling jackets. No, those people are called "Freds." A Fred is a bike dork, usually a serious, ernest beginner. When you get that greasy chain imprint on the inside of your calf or on your pants? That's called a Fred Mark. Right now, Shreyas--and I say this not to put you down, but to confront you honestly with the truth--you are a Fred, not a Hed. But do not be discouraged! All of us were Freds in the beginning. It is unavoidable.

Hedz are more likely people like Molly's boyfriend Dylan, who own, like, six bikes, including a fixed gear with no brakes. A "fixie" is de rigeur for tattooed Mission hipsters.

As for cycling style, I do trust that your pants are cool, putting you well on your way to distinguishing yourself from the other Freds. Personally, I think you should take cycling style cues from Maynard--that guy has a sweet wardrobe of jerseys, hats, and short-legged pants.

Keep up the riding, bro! You're doing your part to save the planet, and I'm really happy to hear it. You might also find that you feel great as a result of the regular exercise and its endorphine rush, not to mention the stress-burning benefits.

shreddd said...

Don't worry - I have *no* desire of ever becoming a hed. I'm in that wimpster camp of kids that ride crappy bikes because we're too cool for all the paraphernalia.

Unknown said...

I bought a bike too! It was $50. The guy said "It's ugly, so you can have it for that." I said, "Yay! I don't care that it's ugly!" I can only bike to one work but not the other though. Where does that put me I wonder?