Aug 15, 2007


I am playing with Twitter in an attempt to completely sell out to the Web 2.0 revolution. You can now follow my every single mundane micro moment (now conveniently located right *here*) as I twitter my way towards post-humanism. Once the web becomes sentient, my persona will exist into eternity. Whoa!


Call me Sparky said...

You forgot the damn hyperlink!!! Now I've missed out on half your day.

Call me Sparky said...

You forgot the damn hyperlink!!! Now I've missed out on half your day.

shreddd said...

Don. You can read my twitter posts in three easy steps:

1. Turn you neck 10 degrees to the right.
2. Cast your eyes on the top right corner of this page, on the section entitled "Twitter Updates".
3. Read.

If not, you can always go to the twitter URL directly:

Call me Sparky said...


Anonymous said...

The fantastic thing about Twitter is that nobody cares about what you are doing (even you -- six-days-ago poster).

You need to create a group with other people to share Tweets and to spur each other to post ever increasing absurdities... Otherwise everybody just forgets. I am currently trying to use Jott to send voicemails to Twitter to combat this stagnation ( - shockingly enough, I have a follower; who is this fool?).

I will admit that I updated my worthless tweet file just to combat possible Tweet-ignoring harassment reciprocation. This strategy could work with the willing.

BTW... fun Blogger site. I was cleaning shit up and followed the link from the much more homey-feeling ASCII-ish blog, and here I am.

Man, I could even subscribe to your Twitter feed and always know what you are doing, even if all of my direct interaction with you is initiated through proxy... Or not.