Aug 18, 2008

twiddly deet

As many folks have noticed, this space has been dormant for a while. But, if you noticed carefully, the little sidebar feeds have been chattering away. I've been in more of a microblogging state of mind, so for those of you inclined to follow the background noise of my brain, I'm at If you are completely new to twitter, it is something of a cross between a blog (with a 140 character per post limit) and a message board. It only starts to make sense once you have a community of interacting twitterers tweeting together. Yes - the whole thing is silly and ridiculous, but it gets vaguely addictive over time.

I also show up occasionally in other random corners of the intarwubs - yelp, goodreads, flickr and offsprung being the places where I'm most likely to post something with any regularity.

OK - now you know where to find me if you are truly motivated.

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