Nov 3, 2008

The Ballot

Here is what you need to know:
  • Barack Obama
  • Yes on 1A (bullet train baby!)
  • No on 4 (no to right wing anti-abortion fundies)
  • No on 8 (no on hate)

For more, read the SF Guardian:


DGB said...

I'd also add Yes on 5.

shreddd said...

DGB - agreed - Yes on 5.

Anonymous said...

i'd like to add:

NO on 7

NO on 10

both seem like good props on the surface, but i am wary of any enviro bill that enviro groups won't even get behind. the radio show Forum (from KQED) did a really great show on those props (both pro and con) a few weeks ago and it solidified my reasons for voting no.