Nov 25, 2009

top 10 tings o' 2009

Dominant memes in my personal zeitgeist for the year:

  • Ruby-on-Rails

  • Bicycle fever

  • Twitter

  • School days for the family D.

  • Aunt Mary's Cafe

  • Travel travel travel

  • Sesame Street

  • weddings

  • Infinite Jest

  • The farmer's market

Stuff that hasn't been getting as much play:

  • DJing at KALX

  • Trivia night at the Nomad Cafe

  • Java

  • The New Yorker

  • International business trips

  • Yoga

  • Blogging

  • 43 folders

  • The afternoon nap

  • Live shows

Nov 16, 2009

naughtie naughtie

there seems to be a backlash against the "lifehack" type productivity blogs. apparently the productivity gurus realized that people seemed to be spending more time diddling with productivity pr0n than actually getting things done. merlin mann of 43 folders has had some particularly lucid rants that are worth reading, in and of themselves.

it looks like we are starting to see casualties from the naughts. 5 years from now we'll all be like - "lifehacks - those were so naughties". That said, I'm not sure that the term naughtie or aughtie or whatever the hell we are calling this decade will make it that far either.

Nov 4, 2009

remember, remember, the 4th of november!

Last year, at this time, I cried-

Tears of joy because a certain Barack Hussein Obama II gave me hope that the dream was alive. It made me proud to be the father of a mixed-race kid with a funny name.

Tears of sadness at the travesty that is proposition 8.

Things don't seem any easier now, but we must keep on keepin' on.

Damn - this Dogfishhead Palo Santo is some strong beer. It is making me totally emo.

i can care, but not too much.

as i write this, hideki matsui has just powered the yankees to their 27th title. as much as the yankees are annoying, i feel like america needed this win. it will go a long way towards re-establishing the nation's confidence in "the system". the yankees win the world series and the natural order of things will prevail. the economy will fix itself. the greater good of the nation will trump narrow political maneuvering. or so i keep telling myself. of course, this makes some assumptions about the true "natural order of things", but i'll let my optimism carry me forth for now.

and then there is the whole university of florida coach suspending his player for a whole HALF because he tried to gouge this other player's eyes out. WTF??!!! a. why bother? b. how can you possibly expect not to be called out for this weak-assed half assery? doing nothing would have been less controversial than pretending to "punish" your players. ugh.

not sure why, but i've been more into sports this year, than in a while. i'm probably just using it to avoid thinking about the bigger problems facing the world right now. i guess sport provides you with a microcosm of human interaction and emotion. but at it's very core - it doesn't actually matter. our lives go on. people don't die. you can get really passionate and argumentative, without having to hate your fellow human being. i can care, but not too much.

Nov 1, 2009

now we can swim any day in november

we went as rakshasas and butterflies (heliconius erato). as david foster wallaces, complete with footnotes. seriously - that was a killer idea. little notecards on one's feet. anyway - it was nice to get dressed up and get out. and it was unseasonably warm too.

need to start documenting ideas for next year though, so that we can put in more advance prep work.

idea sketches:

  • Sexy Abe Lincoln

  • Bert and Ernie

  • Bake Sale Betty

  • Very Hungry Caterpillar (green sleeping bag anyone?)

  • Hipster Elves

and it is still unseasonably warm - november and 70 degrees outside. and with that nablopomo has been kicked off.

Aug 16, 2009


I am about a third of the way through the late David Foster Wallace's "Infinite Jest", as part of the Infinite Summer online book club. My feelings so far: brilliant, self-indulgent, tedious, funny-in-that-darkly-comic-way, clever, inconsistent. I both love and hate the fact that DFW pretty much makes up words when the occasion calls for it (1). Which gets rather confusing when he also happens to summon his rather prodigious vocabulary of not-made-up words in the same context.

I love his vision of a dystopic near future. Years named after sponsors (2009 would be the "Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment"). Quebecois Separatists fighting U.S. experialism. Apres-Garde cinema. Very funny, very sardonic, very cyberpunk (in the way that modern fiction writers overtly eschew SF, while ingratiating themselves to it at the same time).

At the same time, he could have really used an editor. I mean, all the ultra-detailed chemical and physiological descriptions of real and/or fictional drugs that you will pretty much forget right away? The pages upon pages of tennis scores interspersed with the occasionally interesting bit of information? And those sentences that last forever (some brilliant, some just plain long). I read somewhere that part of the motivation for the digressions and the footnotes was to control the pacing and flow. But seriously - you could have easily had a 700 page masterpiece instead of a 1000 page flawed work of genius.

What else - There is a strong element of the meta throughout the book, where many of the themes and elements play out in other unrelated parts of the book. His use of language mixes formalisms with, like, the causal patois of the 1990s twenty-something. I like this a lot.

Overall, my enjoyment of this book is similar to how I feel about a lot of experimental art/music. The process is just as important as the work. An indulgence that seems hit-or-miss, but is perhaps necessary to this process. Parts of it are very frustrating, parts of it are confusing, parts of it tickle the cerebrum and parts of it just flat-out blow your mind away.

I am very glad I am reading it as part of a book club, since it provides context and discussion for the overall process. It lets me get through the harder parts knowing that there will be some kind of payoff on the discussion boards - some little connection contained therein that makes you go a-ha. Keepin' on keepin' on for now.

1. "Experialism" isn't a word? Well - it should be. I mean how else would you describe the forced expulsion of territory into foreign hands.(a)

a. Sorry - I promised myself that I wouldn't use footnotes, but it is simply too tempting this far into the book.

Jun 28, 2009

not a bad day

started waaay too early. someone decided that 6am was a fine time to be up and about.

brewed up some ikea instant cappuccino which turned out to be surprisingly good.

lego time!

family outing at the farmer's market on our bicycles, with the sea-of-clouds clan.

a very thrilling confederations cup final.

hatching a dinner plan - some masala corn, some cliantro tofu ...

about time ...

they integrated email posts with blogger

Mar 30, 2009

post punk post

The Mae Shi / PRE - Pretty rad show last night. Haven't been out to see live music in what seems like forever. Random musings from last night:

At this way underground warehouse. I had to drive around the block 3 times before I could find it. The venue is tiny. And very punk rock. This is either going to be fucking brilliant or fucking awful. Either way "fucking" will be the adjective-du-jour.

Everything smells like stale sweat and cigarette smoke. And I could have sworn that the dude in the mosh-pit looked just like my buddy Paul McGrath, if Paul were 19 and had a goatee.

And everyone here is really young. The weird old dude with the bald patch on his head - wait - that's me. Ack! Being friends with someone in the band mitigates things, but only ever so slightly.

OK - this show is fucking radical. As in rad. Both bands are raw and scream-tastic, but have lots of harmonizing and synthy goodness to mix things up.

And seriously Hillyh totally needs to be retroactively included in my fave records of 2008. So good.

Even have time for a midnight Thai food run. That hit the fucking spot.

Feb 24, 2009

state of the wub

i think we're approaching some sort of tipping point with facebook where it will simply implode under its own weight. a lot of very smart people have blogged about the life cycle of social networks. once there are enough "undesirable" people entering your social network (the creepy co-worker, the jackass classmate from your high school, the random stalker you met at a party, the homophobic distant relative), you quickly start to lose interest in wanting to share links and post updates because of the potential for an interaction that you would rather avoid.

all social networks have this problem (see friendster, myspace, orkut ...), given that the success of a social network is directly proportional to its size. of course, the fundamental weakness of a social network is also directly proportional to its size. facebook managed to bypass some of these issues by offering an application rich environment, and operating a closed network with advanced privacy settings. but that is quickly starting to catch up with it. most people don't have the time or the energy to fine tune their settings to their desired level of privacy. managing several "groups" of users is a full-time job.

i'm already starting to see a decline in the quality of interesting links and postings on my facebook feed, where interesting is defined as something that pushes the edges of our socio-cultural norms. and the "25 things" meme might just be the beginning of the end i.e. the high-schoolization of facebook culture.

the sad part is that facebook has really done a fantastic job in terms of developing a rich and usable social platform by opening up their API to the public. allowing users to contribute their own applications was a stroke of genius (though one that was effectively negated by the scrabulous fiasco, but whatever).

i think a number of us are waiting to jump to a facebook like platform without the baggage of a an overbloated network. in other words we're waiting for google to dump orkut and reinvent this particular wheel. we'll see how it goes.

Feb 18, 2009



Nevermind - blogger glitch.

Feb 3, 2009


i guess i've been neglecting the whole blog thing in favor of a more hyper-kinetic short-attention span driven medium.

for whatever reason, i've stopped reading blogs these days. which has also translated into lack of updates on my own blog. i guess one has to be a living, breathing part of the blogosphere - a producer as well as a consumer of the bloggywogs for it to work. and with twitter offering the buzz of instant gratification, well, we have little time for the long-form blog.

all this just to say, we're still around, but our attention has been diverted. hopefully not for much longer.

Jan 5, 2009

Top 10 Records of 2008

  1. M.I.A. - "Paper Planes [Single]" (XL)
  2. The Dodos - Visiter (Frenchkiss)
  3. The Terrordactyls - The Terrordactyls (Pankof)
  4. TV On The Radio (Dear Science)
  5. The Cool Kids - Bake Sale (Chocolate Industries)
  6. Flying Lotus - Los Angeles (Warp)
  7. She & Him - Volume One (Merge)
  8. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular (Red Ink)
  9. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend (XL)
  10. The Bug - London Zoo (Ninja Tune)

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