Aug 8, 2003

celebrity deathmatch

homer simpson vs. peter griffin.

the family guy is easily the best show on network television today. all the things you can't do on the simpsons - they're on the family guy. psychopathic megalomaniacal babies. alcoholic dogs. gratuitous pop culture references. abundant swear words. feminism disguied as misogyny. blasphemy. cartoon sex.

peter griffin wins by a belch.

Aug 7, 2003

take two

i just added titles. this is exciting. i'm a titular kinda guy.

version three point oh

well ... i'm giving in. i'm going from the old school diy-handcode your own html-host on your own server type journal to this mass produced blogging factory. maybe I'm becoming soft in my age (a wizened 26) or maybe I'm just plain lazy. but it is a conscious choice nonetheless, and i am a firm believer that it is more important to choose consciously, if perhaps imperfectly, than to blindly have your choices made for you. so here's to choice (imperfect yet conscious), waxing pseudo-intellectual (because what else is there really?), independent music (esoteric yet proletarian), eating tofu for the sake of tofu (fake meat is for poseurs) and california lovin' (will somebody please stop the recall madness?). oh ... and parentheses (including, but not limited to parenthetical statements such as these). i really like parentheses. ok - it's time to go live - 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...