Nov 4, 2009

remember, remember, the 4th of november!

Last year, at this time, I cried-

Tears of joy because a certain Barack Hussein Obama II gave me hope that the dream was alive. It made me proud to be the father of a mixed-race kid with a funny name.

Tears of sadness at the travesty that is proposition 8.

Things don't seem any easier now, but we must keep on keepin' on.

Damn - this Dogfishhead Palo Santo is some strong beer. It is making me totally emo.

i can care, but not too much.

as i write this, hideki matsui has just powered the yankees to their 27th title. as much as the yankees are annoying, i feel like america needed this win. it will go a long way towards re-establishing the nation's confidence in "the system". the yankees win the world series and the natural order of things will prevail. the economy will fix itself. the greater good of the nation will trump narrow political maneuvering. or so i keep telling myself. of course, this makes some assumptions about the true "natural order of things", but i'll let my optimism carry me forth for now.

and then there is the whole university of florida coach suspending his player for a whole HALF because he tried to gouge this other player's eyes out. WTF??!!! a. why bother? b. how can you possibly expect not to be called out for this weak-assed half assery? doing nothing would have been less controversial than pretending to "punish" your players. ugh.

not sure why, but i've been more into sports this year, than in a while. i'm probably just using it to avoid thinking about the bigger problems facing the world right now. i guess sport provides you with a microcosm of human interaction and emotion. but at it's very core - it doesn't actually matter. our lives go on. people don't die. you can get really passionate and argumentative, without having to hate your fellow human being. i can care, but not too much.

Nov 1, 2009

now we can swim any day in november

we went as rakshasas and butterflies (heliconius erato). as david foster wallaces, complete with footnotes. seriously - that was a killer idea. little notecards on one's feet. anyway - it was nice to get dressed up and get out. and it was unseasonably warm too.

need to start documenting ideas for next year though, so that we can put in more advance prep work.

idea sketches:

  • Sexy Abe Lincoln

  • Bert and Ernie

  • Bake Sale Betty

  • Very Hungry Caterpillar (green sleeping bag anyone?)

  • Hipster Elves

and it is still unseasonably warm - november and 70 degrees outside. and with that nablopomo has been kicked off.