Oct 17, 2003

the curse lives on

i don't live in chicago. i don't live in boston. i occasionally follow baseball, but i'm only a casual fan really. and yet, i find myself inexplicably heartbroken after both the cubbies and the bo-sox lost in such dramatic fashion. i can only imagine the sense of despondence and collective depression that people in chi/bean- town must feel right now. and yet, as i watched both teams fall prey to their respective curses, i felt a part of that helplessness. i understood what true frustration felt like. arrrrrgggggh!

Oct 13, 2003


i've started reading again which means i'm performing my usual juggling act; vaccilating from one book to another to another. so, in keeping with the fine traditions of blogging, i will now put out my current booklist.

. cryptonomicon - neal stephenson
. the life of pi - yann martel
. generation x - douglas coupland
. believer magazine - various

at first glance, this might appear to be a trying-too-hard attempt to acquire sort of geek chic cred. but i'm genuinely enjoying my reading, so ... umm ... yeah. [unable to come up with witty conclusion, that serves to both underscore my point, and simultaneously act as a clever insight into modern life]

Oct 12, 2003

stop making sense

and you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack / and you may find yourself in another part of the world / and you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile / and you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife / and you may ask yourself - well ... how did I get here?