Jan 27, 2007

now reading

Not that you really wanted to know, but I like keeping these little notes, so that I can look back and nostalgificate.
  • The Schematics of Computation - Vincent Manis, James Little. Oddly enough, this seems to be fulfilling my light, recreational reading quota. I'm trying to rediscover Scheme and functional programming, from a more advanced and mature, post-CS degree perspective.
  • The Shuttered Room - H.P.Lovecraft. This is currently my bathroom reading. It is kinda fun to get all turn of the century spooky, while in the loo.
  • The Birth Partner - Penny Simpkin. This is what I spend every free moment absorbing, in, what is bound to be, a valiant but essentially impossible attempt to be "prepared" for childbirth.

Jan 24, 2007


Seriously, how has Tuvan throat singing not become the rage among all the indie kids. This stuff is fantastic, bizarre and just plain brilliant. Check out Huun Huur Tu or Chrigilchin if you get a chance [Link]