Nov 24, 2006

Actual Content

Clearly, four day weekends are an excuse to pontificate. So the Yakov Smirnoff question of the day is "does you create your politics, or do your politics create you?" (and let's just ignore the Soviet Russia angle for now).

I was in the shower, wondering about my pacifist ideals (don't ask), and I began thinking - is pacifism merely a convenient veil for someone that has basically always been smaller and wimpier than the other guy? I probably couldn't win an honest to god fist fight, so is pacifism merely my cop out? The easy way to avoid dealing with violent situations?

Along similar lines, am I attracted to feministy women because they are most likely to be attracted to wimpster boys like me? Am I a leftist because I am a minority? Did I become a vegetarian to merely "fit-in" with the cool kids? Ok - scratch that last one. That was mostly because of a girl I liked.

Anyway, in some sense, the answer doesn't matter anymore because I've drunk the proverbial kool-aid, and I pretty much solidly believe in everything that I believe in. How I got there may be up for questioning, but I'm here and I'm, well ... here!

Also - I know the answer to the question - probably a bit of both. Personal predilection combined with environmental influences. Think feedback cycles and chaos. Yeah - lame, I know. But true.

buy nothing day

Also, today is Buy Nothing Day. This means you.

why thanksgiving is a rubbish holiday

this is beautiful. i've always wanted to expose the cloying blandness that is thanksgiving comfort food.

Nov 21, 2006


the pirate thing is officially over.