Jul 13, 2006


Ohmigod. I'm going to be a Daddeee! The timeline so far:

- E takes pregnancy test.
- S is incredibly composed; takes E out to lunch and provides the initial "of course everything will be fantastic".
- This is promptly followed by two weeks of complete and total freaking out.
- Denial Week.
- E starts feeling the morning sickness. Reality begins to take hold. This is fo' rillz.
- The news starts leaking as friends start to question "unusual" behavior.
- Doctor's visit. There really is a little embryo in there, complete with pulsing heart.
- Pregnancy books arrive in the mail.
- E and S go to Washington; we start telling peeps. Everyone is super excited. Everyone is convinced that we would make swell parents. We are both starting to feel really excited.
- S is back in the bay. E is still up in Washington and will be back next week. S starts to feel the pangs of loneliness (Hey, I'm not used to this week by myself thing). I miss Elizabeth, and want you to come home soon!
- February 3rd is when they tell us it will become a people.

Jul 12, 2006


Mumbai seems to be holding on after the horrible attacks yesterday. People want peace and normalcy more than anything else, and have been very nice about helping each other out. At least this is what I gather from talking to my Granddad.

Of course, this sort of thing makes me wonder about the rationality of bringing a child into this world*. But then I realize that the only way to ensure lasting good is through good old fashioned breeding. The notion of breeding has been virtualized to some extent (memes and viral ideas), but there is nothing wrong with allowing complex systems to evolve in the old fashioned, physical way. Sprinkle in a few simple memes (People reluctant to kill for an abstraction). Push start. Hopefully there will be enough like-minded breeders (and I use the term breeder in an all-inclusive, non-discriminatory, queer-friendly way) out there to help foster in the revolution. My child as a social experiment. Hah!

*Yes, the rumors are true. There will be a little D running around early next year. And I will have plenty more to say about this in the near future. More on this soon ...