Sep 21, 2006


coffee shop blogging

since i'm working from the nomad today, i feel obligated to post a blog entry or two. i haven't written much lately, mostly because i've been hella busy. but a lot seems to have happened in the past few weeks.

  • we've moved. our new place is ... well ... magical. now i don't use the word magical very often, being more of a science and reason kinda guy, but seriously, the old antiquey fixtures, the dense overgrowth of plants all around, the old hardwood floors, the ginormous kitchen ... magic.
  • i've interviewed for a new position at work. this is centered around my general open=good feeling about software. the interviews went well, and everyone seems to think this is a good idea, so i'm getting warm and fuzzies all around.
  • i'm going to be in england next week for a conference.
  • been going in for several doctor's visits in conjunction with the little widget. it has hands. and a head. and legs. and a nose that vaguely resembles mine. and it wiggles!!!
  • needless to say, i haven't had time to breathe (see previous bullets).
  • guilty pleasure: e and i have blazed through a whole season of veronica mars in a week and a half. again, i refer you to the previous bullets.