Jun 18, 2017


I'm reading like 8 books right now which feels fun and daunting all at once. Like literally 8 books ...

  • Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry by Marcus Thompson
  • My Cat Yugoslavia by Pajtim Statovci
  • Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows
  • What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
  • Unf*ck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess by Rachel Hoffman
  • Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution by Lynn Margulis
  • The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman
  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

In this process, I did discover a little lifehacky trick, which is probably totally obvious to the rest of the world, but is a revelation to my idealist, completist brain.

So when I read a book, I really commit to reading it - to expend brain-cycles actually thinking about it. This means I read all the boring parts, footnotes and all. The downside is that I give up on a lot of books that I can't keep up with. Also, I'm not really big on "business books" per se. I sometimes feel like I need to read them, to keep up professionally and get the terminology down but it is hard to get excited about these books.

What I (finally) realized, as I tried to get through Lean Startup is that I don't actually need to read a 300 page tome that basically goes into a lot of detail on some pretty basic concepts. Most of these books have nicely summarized versions on the internet, and these versions along with some Wikipedia / Google foo will pretty much get you all the good parts. Now I can get back to my summer fun reading!

And as I write this, I realize that I just came up with Cliff Notes. 

sports nosports

OK - so I was wrong in my last post. The 2015-16 warriors were not the greatest team of all time. Turns out this year's version are even better (thanks to the new model KD turbo drive). Alas the season is over, and there are no real sports to watch this summer. Baseball seems utterly pointless to me, and this is a non-World Cup, non-Olympics summer. So enough about sports.