Jul 13, 2006


Ohmigod. I'm going to be a Daddeee! The timeline so far:

- E takes pregnancy test.
- S is incredibly composed; takes E out to lunch and provides the initial "of course everything will be fantastic".
- This is promptly followed by two weeks of complete and total freaking out.
- Denial Week.
- E starts feeling the morning sickness. Reality begins to take hold. This is fo' rillz.
- The news starts leaking as friends start to question "unusual" behavior.
- Doctor's visit. There really is a little embryo in there, complete with pulsing heart.
- Pregnancy books arrive in the mail.
- E and S go to Washington; we start telling peeps. Everyone is super excited. Everyone is convinced that we would make swell parents. We are both starting to feel really excited.
- S is back in the bay. E is still up in Washington and will be back next week. S starts to feel the pangs of loneliness (Hey, I'm not used to this week by myself thing). I miss Elizabeth, and want you to come home soon!
- February 3rd is when they tell us it will become a people.

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